Stock Android 10 Beta Mod ROM ASUS Zenfone Live L2 - Licosha

Stock Android 10 Beta Mod ROM ASUS Zenfone Live L2

Stock Android 10 Beta Mod ROM ASUS Zenfone Live L2

Have you tried the Stock Android 10 Beta ROM on your ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone? How was it, too plain, no? 😅 Then why not trying the modded version of the ROM!

Licosha – Want to upgrade your ASUS Zenfone Live L2 to Android Q but the Android 10 Beta ROM too boring for you? Doesn’t want to install GSI? Then you might want to give a try on the Stock 10 Mod ROM!

Just like the name, this ROM is actually the Android 10 Beta update for ASUS Zenfone Live L2 modded with extras and optimizations. This ROM is modded by FadhlanNzlr @Telegram.

ASUS Zenfone Live Android 10 Beta banner


  • Backups!
  • Custom recovery installed.

Stock 10 Mod ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android ROM info

ROM name ZenUI Mod (Stock 10 Mod)
author FadhlanNzlr @Telegram
target devices ASUS X00R variants (Live L1, Live L2, and Lite L1)
Android version Android 10
  • Injected more icon, icon shapes, accent color and background color overlays to the system.
  • Injected navbar overlays.
  • Debloated Google Apps.
  • Replaced some apps with lighter ones.

Stock 10 Mod ROM ASUS Zenfone Live changelogs

v. 1.2


What’s New:
  • Debloat App Google ( Velvet ), so now there’s no annoying circle in the middle of the home button.
  • Change default launcher, to Lawnchair.
  • Added new navbar overlay: Tecno Camon.
Added some systemui theme overlay:
  • Pitchblack
  • Solarized Dark
  • DarkGrey
  • Material Ocean
  • Added GalleryGo to default gallery.
  • Remove previous terminal emulator ( So, Download in PlayStore to apply the overlay ).
v. 1.1
  • Heavily Debloat.
  • Fix Wifi Include.
  • Added Simple Day Font to default font.
  • Added Via for main Browser.
  • Added Terminal Emulator to apply some overlay.
  • Added Red Accent (Gradient Indian)
Added Some NavBar Overlay
  • Asus NavBar
  • OneUI NavBar
  • OnePlus NavBar
Added Some Icon Shape Overlay
  • Vessel
  • Tapered Rect
  • More
Added Statusbar and QS Icon Overlay
  • Circular
  • Rounded
v. 1.0
  • Heavily Debloat
    • Chrome
    • Play Music
    • Play Video
    • YouTube (using YouTube go, vanced, or newpipe)
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • WebStorage
    • Asus Support App
  • Fix Wifi Include (Need Test)

How to install Stock 10 Mod ROM ASUS Zenfone Live L2

  1. Boot your ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone to recovery mode.
  2. Do wipes on following partitions:
    ✔️ System
    ✔️ Cache
    ✔️ Data
    ✔️ Dalvik
    ✔️ Vendor
  3. To make sure the recovery read the partition changes, reboot to recovery (❗ be careful not to reboot to other mode).
  4. Install the Stock 10 Mod ROM zip file (download link below) and wait until the installation process is done.
  5. Mount Vendor and System partitions, then install the Decrypt 10 zip file (download link below).
  6. Done! Now you can reboot your ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone. First boot might take some time (10 to 15 minutes).

Applying the overlays in Stock 10 Mod ROM ASUS Zenfone Live


  • Rooted.
  • Terminal app (for icons and navbar overlay).

Applying navbar overlay

  1. Open terminal app on root command (type su and Enter).
  2. You can type the code for the following available navbar overlays on the terminal app:
    • ASUS Navbar:
      cmd overlay enable
    • OneUI Navbar:
      cmd overlay enable
    • OnePlus Navbar:
      cmd overlay enable
    • Tecno Camon:
      cmd overlay enable
  3. Press Enter and the changes should be happen on the fly.

Applying icons overlay

  1. Open terminal app in root command (type su and press Enter).
  2. You can type the code for following available icons overlay:
    • Circular:
      cmd overlay enable
    • Rounded:
      cmd overlay enable
    • Filled:
      cmd overlay enable

Applying icon shapes, fonts, accent colors and system UI background colors

To apply icon shapes, fonts, accent colors or system UI background colors, we can easily do it by choosing them in the Developer options in our ASUS Zenfone Live Android phone. Scroll down to the bottom part of Developer options to find the options.

Stock 10 Mod ROM ASUS Zenfone Live download link

ZenUI Mod 10 X00R 20202812 (1.4 GB)

Additional files

Decrypt (123.7 kB)


⭐ Credits ⭐:
Newbie Developer | UPDATES Telegram channel

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